Oct 12, 2021


The @mikosoft/functionflow npm library provides control over the execution flow of JavaScript functions, enabling both serial and parallel execution, iterative repetition, and the ability to start, stop, or pause function execution.

It does not have any npm dependencies.


$ npm install @mikosoft/functionflow


The FunctionFlow is a JavaScript library that can be used to control the execution flow of JavaScript functions. It provides methods for executing functions in serial or parallel order, repeating functions multiple times, and starting, stopping, and pausing the execution of functions.

It does not have any dependencies on other npm libraries and it can be used in any NodeJS project, but it is most commonly utilized in DEX8 skripting.

Key Features of the @mikosoft/functionflow Library

  • Function bundling: The library provides methods for bundling functions together so that they can be executed in a specific order. This can be useful for executing tasks that require a specific sequence of steps.
  • Function repetition: The library provides methods for repeating functions multiple times. This can be useful for tasks that need to be executed a certain number of times or until a specific condition is met.
  • Function control: The library provides methods for starting, stopping, and pausing the execution of functions. This can be useful for debugging or troubleshooting problems with function execution.


  1. https://www.npmjs.com/package/@mikosoft/functionflow
  2. https://github.com/miko-soft/functionflow