Oct 30, 2020


The "Scheduler" section in the DEX8 Web Panel empowers users to configure and automate skript execution by setting up cron jobs. These cron jobs enable skripts to run at specified times, enhancing flexibility and precision in skript management. Users have the option to choose the worker responsible for executing the skript.

DEX8 Web Panel - Scheduler list

Scheduler Details

This page provides a detailed table displaying a list of schedules, each accompanied by various fields, such as:

  • Name: Identifier for the scheduled task.
  • Cron Span: Specifies the scheduled execution time.
  • Job Name: The associated job process name.
  • Worker: The worker assigned to execute the skript.
  • Skript ID: The unique identifier of the skript.
  • Triggered: An array showing the ten most recent execution times.
  • Counter: The number of times the skript has been executed by this scheduler.
  • Updated At: The last modification timestamp of the scheduled task.
DEX8 Web Panel - Scheduler Info

Add/Edit Cron Job

To create a new schedule, simply click on the "Add New" button. This action triggers a popup window containing fields that need to be filled out by the user.

DEX8 Web Panel - Scheduler Add New