Nov 1, 2021

Execute Skript / Single Worker Routes

Execute skript (single worker) routes allow you to start, stop, or pause skripts that are executed on a single worker.

POST /joint-api/execute-skript/single-worker/start?force=false

Initiate a single skript on a single worker. Define new input and inputSecret in the POST body.

URL Query Parameters
  • force :true|false - If set to true, the script will start even if it is already running. Default is false.
Body Parameters
  • worker_id :string - the worker _id value.
  • skript_id :string - the skript _id value.
  • input :any - the input value(s).
  • inputSecret :object - the secret input value(s).

GET /joint-api/execute-skript/single-worker/start?worker_id=&skript_id=&input_id=&inputSecret_id=&force=

Initiate a single script on a single worker with previously saved input and inputSecret files.

URL Query Parameters
  • worker_id :string - the worker _id value.
  • skript_id :string - the skript _id value.
  • input_id :string - the input _id value.
  • inputSecret_id :string - the inputSecret _id value.
  • force :true|false - If set to true, the script will start even if it is already running. Default is false.

GET /joint-api/execute-skript/single-worker/stop?worker_id=&skript_id=&input_id=&inputSecret_id=

Halt the started skript.

URL Query Parameters
  • worker_id :string - the worker _id value.
  • skript_id :string - the skript _id value.
  • input_id :string - the input _id value.
  • inputSecret_id :string - the inputSecret _id value.

GET /joint-api/execute-skript/single-worker/pause?worker_id=&skript_id=&input_id=&inputSecret_id=

Pause the skript execution initiated with "start" route. To continue execution, use the "resume" route.

URL Query Parameters
  • worker_id :string - the worker _id value.
  • skript_id :string - the skript _id value.
  • input_id :string - the input _id value.
  • inputSecret_id :string - the inputSecret _id value.

GET /joint-api/execute-skript/single-worker/resume?worker_id=&skript_id=&input_id=&inputSecret_id=

Restart the paused skript.

URL Query Parameters
  • worker_id :string - the worker _id value.
  • skript_id :string - the skript _id value.
  • input_id :string - the input _id value.
  • inputSecret_id :string - the inputSecret _id value.