Nov 1, 2021
Skript Executions Routes
The Skript Executions routes offer functionalities such as listing all skript executions, retrieving specific executions individually, or deleting them.
A DEX8 skript execution object is triggered when a user sends a skript to a worker for processing, providing valuable information about the execution
status (action), which can include: start, stop, pause, end, or error.
GET /joint-api/skript-execution/list?skript_id=&worker_id=&limit=&skip=&sort=
Retrieve a list of all skript executions or filter them based on a specific worker and skript.
URL Search Query Parameters
- skript_id :string - skript _id
- worker_id :string - worker _id
- limit :number - the number of returned documents
- skip :number - the number of skipped documents
- sort :string - sort the listed documents, for example "last_name -age" (minus means descending)
GET /joint-api/skript-execution/:skriptExecution_id
Retrieve a single skript execution associated with a specific skript execution _id.
NOTICE: It can be used to obtain the output of the successfully executed skript or error_stack
if an error occurred.
URL Parameters
- skriptExecution_id :string - skriptExecution _id, for example: 5ed10185256ce502b869e2a6
DELETE /joint-api/skript-execution/:skriptExecution_id
Remove a single skript execution linked to a particular skript execution _id.
URL Parameters
- skriptExecution_id :string - skriptExecution _id, for example: 5ed10185256ce502b869e2a6