Nov 1, 2021
Storage / MongoDB Routes
The Storage/MongoDB Joint API routes can perform basic CRUD operations on documents in a database collection, such as listing, getting, deleting, and updating documents by their _id. The _id is a unique identifier for each document in a MongoDB collection. It is used to uniquely identify a document in the collection and to perform requested operations.
These routes offer comprehensive control over collected data, i.e., the data extracted and saved in the DEX8 platform.
GET /joint-api/mongo/:db_id/:collection/list?limit=&skip=&sort=&select=
List documents from the database collection.
URL Parameters
- db_id :string - the MongoDB database ID value (see in the Web Panel), e.g., 5ed10185256ce502b869e2a6
- collection :string - the MongoDB collection name, e.g., myExtractedData
URL Search Query Parameters
- limit :number - the number of returned documents
- skip :number - the number of skipped documents
- sort :string - sort the listed documents, e.g., "last_name -age" (minus means descending)
- select :string - specify fields to be shown, e.g., "first_name last_name -age" (minus means exclude the field)
GET /joint-api/mongo/:db_id/:collection/:doc_id?select=
Get a document from the database collection by _id.
URL Parameters
- db_id :string - the MongoDB database ID value (see in the Web Panel), e.g., 5ed10185256ce502b869e2a6
- collection :string - the MongoDB collection name, e.g., myExtractedData
- doc_id :string - the MongoDB document ID value, e.g., 5ed10185256ce502b869e2a6
URL Search Query Parameters
- select :string - specify fields to be shown, e.g., "first_name last_name -age" (minus means exclude the field)
DELETE /joint-api/mongo/:db_id/:collection/:doc_id
Delete a document from the database collection by _id.
URL Parameters
- db_id :string - the MongoDB database ID value (see in the Web Panel), e.g., 5ed10185256ce502b869e2a6
- collection :string - the MongoDB collection name, e.g., myExtractedData
- doc_id :string - the MongoDB document ID value, e.g., 5ed10185256ce502b869e2a6
PUT /joint-api/mongo/:db_id/:collection/:doc_id
Update a document from the database collection by _id. The body object can contain any field defined by the document schema.
URL Parameters
- db_id :string - the MongoDB database ID value (see in the Web Panel), e.g., 5ed10185256ce502b869e2a6
- collection :string - the MongoDB collection name, e.g., myExtractedData
- doc_id :string - the MongoDB document ID value, e.g., 5ed10185256ce502b869e2a6