Nov 1, 2021

Skripts Routes

The Joint API skript routes provide developers with the ability to access, edit, or delete DEX8 Skript.

GET /joint-api/skripts/list?&limit=&skip=&sort=&select=

Retrieve a comprehensive list of skripts the user has created.

URL Query Parameters
  • limit :number - restrict the number of documents returned by a query
  • skip :number - skip a specified number of documents in a query result
  • sort :string - sort the query results based on one or more fields in ascending or descending order
  • select :string - specify which fields to include or exclude from the query results

POST /joint-api/skripts/addnew

Route for creation of new skript on the DEX8 Platform.

Body Parameters
  • title :string - the skript title
  • description :string - short skript description
  • thumbnail :string - the thumbnail used in DEX8 Store
  • category :string - skript category
  • environment :nodejs|browser|python - environment in which a skript can be executed
  • worker_response_timeout :number - milliseconds to wait for a response when the skript is sent to the worker for execution
"title": "Test Skript 2",
"description": "Test skript description.",
"thumbnail": "",
"category": "sci",
"environment": "nodejs",
"worker_response_timeout": 150000

GET /joint-api/skripts/:skript_id

Get information for a specific skript.

URL Parameters
  • skript_id :string - the skript _id

PUT /joint-api/skripts/:skript_id

Update an existing skript.

Body Parameters
  • title :string - the skript title
  • description :string - short skript description
  • thumbnail :string - the thumbnail used in DEX8 Store
  • category :string - skript category
  • environment :nodejs|browser|python - environment in which a skript can be executed
  • worker_response_timeout :number - milliseconds to wait for a response when the skript is sent to the worker for execution
"title": "Test Skript",
"description": "Some test skript description.",
"thumbnail": "",
"category": "social",
"environment": "nodejs",
"worker_response_timeout": 180000

DELETE /joint-api/skripts/:skript_id

Delete the skript and it's associacted inputs, inputSecrets and skript files.

URL Parameters
  • skript_id :string - the skript _id